Words matter. And the way we use them in job adverts can dictate whether or not people bother to apply. This is a big problem if you’re a business trying to recruit more women and ethnic minorities into your workforce. So can tech help remove these unconscious biases? A job description that uses the phrase “We’re looking for someone to …
It’s All In The Details: Testing Candidates Clerical Aptitude
How should an employer go about assessing a candidate’s likelihood of succeeding in a clerical/administration role, where the bulk of work is carried out over the phone or on a computer? Clerical aptitude is important for performing a wide variety of administration skills and tasks such as proofreading, filling out paperwork or online forms like spreadsheets, reading, inspecting, filing, and …
Are you 100% certain that your candidates are proficient in MS Office?
A hiring manager’s and candidate’s idea of “proficiency” in any given software system can be two very different things. If you’re hiring for a position requiring Microsoft Office skills, then our blended Microsoft Office pre-employment skills test is exactly what you need to measure a candidate’s true depth of knowledge. The Microsoft Office skills test measures a candidate’s knowledge of …
Bolster your recruitment talent pool by overcoming bias and embracing diversity
New Zealand business leaders have been relatively quick to recognise the benefits diversity can bring to a business. It’s no surprise that businesses who embrace diversity have enhanced decision making, increased engagement and greater access to top talent. Unfortunately, some recruitment processes haven’t kept up the pace in embracing diversity, whilst some recruiting people struggle to eliminate biases and stereotypes, …
Ready To Up Your Hiring Game?
When recruiting new employees into their organisations, most of our clients use our flagship product the “15FQ+”, which is a personality questionnaire designed to provide insight into how an individual may think, feel and interact in the workplace. This information is primarily used alongside other assessment methods to explore the match between the candidate and the role with a goal …
Cultivating Grit: The Secret Ingredient of Successful People and Organisations
For those of you who don’t know me, I consider myself to be a Kiwi/American. I’m a citizen of both countries and have lived in each for about the same duration of time. When I relocated back to the States a couple years ago, I began reflecting on what I had accomplished whilst living in New Zealand; I started ticking some boxes: …
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of Candidate Experience
“Candidate Experience” is a hot topic in my HR network at the moment. For those of you unfamiliar with this phrase, it’s the reaction a job seeker has about an organisation’s job application process, and for me, it hits close to home. Whilst the idea of “candidate experience” isn’t necessarily new or even innovative, what is new about it, is …
Where are successful businesses using Psychometric Testing reports in 2018?
This year, we have seen a dramatic increase in new clients, especially among businesses that last year might have described themselves as ‘start-ups’ & are now best described as rapidly growing successful outfits. As well as using testing & assessment when recruiting new senior staff, the savvy operators of these businesses have also extended the use of testing & assessment …
Hiring the Perfect Professional. What should you be looking for?
In June 2016, Helen Brand, the CEO of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) launched a report from an international study which identified seven attributes essential to success for accountants and finance professionals. Since then, we have presented a guide to accountants across New Zealand on how to assess whether accounting & finance candidates are likely to possess the attributes …
The case against hiring like-minded people
Belinda Parkes, Freelance Journalist, April 2017 Do you trust your gut instinct when it comes to hiring? If you do, you could be giving the job to the person you like best, not necessarily the best person for the job. There is a difference. All of us carry unconscious biases that influence our perceptions and skew the weight we put …