Perhaps one of the reasons some people complain about the perceived high cost of personality profiling is that they consistently fail to utilise the full value of the information they have gathered in the selection process. From the employers perspective, most of the time the profile report gains the full attention of the selection panel before and during the interview, …
Sales Managers & Recruiters: Why would that top sales candidate want to work for you?
Let’s be blunt for a moment. Exceptional sales candidate’s are few and far between and when they enter the job market, they can choose their next employer to a greater extent than most. In spite of this, many managers and recruiters still approach the selection process as if they somehow hold all the cards and fail to present themselves as …
New Zealand & Australia Candidates top in Asia Pacific for CV Embellishment
A study released this month by screening analytics company First Advantage places New Zealand and Australian candidates as those most likely to stretch the truth in their CV’s, with 26.9% of CV’s found to be significantly embellished, compared to the next two highest scorers being Singapore (18.8%) and Hong Kong (16.4%). Of all CV discrepancies in Asia Pacific, 54% related …
Interview and Candidate Abuse
I first read the terms ‘Candidate Abuse’ and ‘Interview Abuse’, last month on BBC Capital and immediately had to know more. The article catalogued a series of experiences of US and UK job applicants being put through tortuous and protracted multi-stage selection process, only to come second place, or even be offered a job with an employer they no longer …
Managing the Risk of Hiring Staff in Retail
A few months ago I was asked to join the team of judges for this year’s Unison Fibre Hastings City Business Excellence Awards and interview sixteen large national chain Hastings retailers on their current and planned approaches to marketing, customer service, staff development and retention, and how they expected to perform in the next twelve months in far from ideal …
New Zealand’s Most Popular Ability Test Battery Available Unsupervised & Online
The General Reasoning Test (GRT2) battery of Numerical, Verbal and Abstract reasoning is one of the most widely used ability test batteries, with over 40,000 administered in New Zealand. This is the test chosen by New Zealand Police to sharpen up police recruitment practices after criticisms in 2006/7. The test is particularly useful for identifying staff who are likely to …
Managing Out-of-Region Candidate’s & Off-Site Staff
As the volume of psychometric testing and assessment we deliver for clients across the country continues to climb, it seems a timely moment to remind readers of the options they have available to them when their preferred job candidate is currently living at the opposite end of the country, or even off-shore.
What is your career & business worth to you?
Whether you own a business or work for one, 2011 looks to be shaping up to be a much better year than 2010. The downturn did however remind people that one of their most valuable assets is their career. A recovering market brings opportunities to secure new business and reap the rewards of maintaining strong relationships with existing clients. To …
Recruitment & Development Masterclass – Two Case Studies on Absolute Best Practice
How do the world’s most respected organisations with cutting-edge HR expertise select new staff and determine who to invest in to meet clearly defined succession plans?
People asking these types of questions quickly reach the logical next step of whether they can replicate absolute best practice into their own businesses, and we have been fortunate enough to work with two such organisations this spring, whose approach we can share with you here.
People Central’s Clients Benefit from Major New Investment in Personality Profiling Services
We have recently invested heavily in new additions to our cutting edge personality profiling services that bring huge additional benefits to our clients when recruiting new staff, making the most of existing teams and enhancing your businesses PR through positive experiences of coming into contact with your business as a job applicant. The three core changes are: 1. A new …