We have been working with Angela & Fraser Atkins at Elephant HR to develop a suite of New Zealand specific HR Knowledge Tests aimed at three levels of HR roles, with the intention of providing employers of HR professionals with an objective tool to support their recruitment and development decision making.
The tests are written & almost ready to go, once we have built norm groups for each test, so we are currently looking for willing guinea pigs to complete the test for free & receive a report on their performance.
If you would like to take part, please email steve@peoplecentral.co.nz with your name & email address where you would like the link to the test to be sent. Please also state which level of HR you work at so we can send you the right test:
- Assistant/Coordinators/Advisors – HR Assess Level-1
- HR Managers/Senior Advisors & Consultants – HR Assess Level-2
- HR Directors & Business Partners* – HR Assess Level-3
If you work across several levels, or have recently moved into a new level of HR, you can request more than one test!
You have the option to complete the test anonymously, or enter your name to receive a report objectively assessing your HR Skills & Knowledge level, which could make a valuable appendix to your CV or next appraisal discussion, as well as identifying your development priorities.
To help us get this exercise completed, do share this with your HR colleagues within New Zealand.
Any queries, do give Steve Evans a call on 021 786 285.