Personality Questionnaires

How often do you hear the phrase ‘personality clash’ cited in reasons for the costly breakdown in employment relationships? Many managers hire on the basis of someone’s ability, yet fire on the grounds of personality, often at considerable financial and emotional expense to the employer and employee.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Personality Profiling in New Zealand with People Central

An introduction to using personality profiling & assessment to support recruitment & development in New Zealand.

Why Use Personality Profiling When Recruiting?

The risks associated with making poor hiring decisions can be significantly reduced through using tried and tested measures of the behaviours associated with success in your business.

People Central add considerable value to the selection of new staff and development of existing staff by applying personality assessments with a proven track record of being valid and reliable parts of selection and development decision making.  These assist employers in identifying:

  • Whether a candidate is likely to value and support your organisation's culture, competencies and aspirations.
  • Their communications and influencing styles when interacting with colleagues, managers, clients, suppliers and other key
  • How to keep them engaged and
  • How they are likely to deal with change, solve problems and make decisions.
  • What perspectives they are likely to add to existing team performance.
  • Specific personal development plans priorities required to get them from good to great performers.
  • How they are likely to cope with the stresses and strains of the job.

Personality questionnaires are administered online, enabling employers to easily assess candidates anywhere in the world.

We have access to a wide range of personality questionnaires from the world’s most trusted psychometric testing publishers.  These are the most frequently requested personality assessments from our 400+ New Zealand clients:


Managing the risks associated with making poor selection decisions can be readily achieved through the use of tried and tested measures of the behaviours associated with success in your business.

By selecting only the questionnaires with a proven track record of being valid and reliable measures of personality, People Central add considerable value to the selection of new staff and development of existing staff in:

personality questions, assessments and tests
  • Identifying whether a candidate is likely to value and support your organisation's culture, competencies and aspirations?
  • How they are likely to interact with colleagues, clients, suppliers and other people?
  • How they should be managed and motivated?
  • How they are likely to deal with change, solve problems and make decisions?
  • What they are likely to add to team performance?
  • What personal development plans are required to get them from good to great performers?
  • How they are likely to deal with the stresses and strains of the job?

All our personality questionnaires can be administered online, enabling employers to easily assess candidates anywhere in the world.

Take a look at a sample range of personality questionnaires and sample reports below.

Sample Personality Questionnaires & Reports

Fifteen Factor Questionnaire (15FQ+)

Based on an extensively researched model, the 15FQ+ provides an in-depth assessment of the full sphere of human personality traits along with Belbin Team Roles, Leadership and Influencing styles.

Each assessment generates a Pre-employment Report including competency based interview questions for candidates and referees and a Coaching Report centred on the widely respected GROW model of coaching and used by clients to support effective onboarding and personal/professional goal setting for incoming staff.

Maintaining the breadth of the original 16 personality factors first identified by Raymond B Cattell, the 15FQ+ sets new standards for reliability and validity.

Click here for a sample of the 15FQ+ Pre-Employment Report.

Click here for a sample of the 15FQ+ Coaching Report.


Developed in New Zealand and based on an extensively researched model, PQ10 assesses ten factors of personality associated with success in a broad range of employment sectors.

Interview questions are included in the Perspectives report, which can be used to address potential concerns with candidates and their referees before making that critical decision on whether to hire.

PQ10 also includes Team Roles, Conflict Handling & Management Styles, along with pre-employment & coaching reports, so is equally applicable in recruitment and development settings.

Click here for a sample of the PQ10 Select Report.

Click here for a sample of the PQ10 Coaching Report.

Health & Safety Indicator (HSI)

With the introduction of New Zealand's Health & Safety at Work Act (2016) aimed at managing workplace risks and the pleasing trend towards focusing on workplace wellbeing, most organisations are aiming to reduce health and safety incidents and workplace accidents.

The Health & Safety Indicator Test (H&SI) assesses a range of ability and personality characteristics that represent an individual’s tendency towards safe behaviour in the workplace.

The H&SI is a combination of targeted personality and ability measures in one assessment which allows for the identification of health and safety risk factors. It includes an overall score as well as specific ability and personality scores.

Specific measures include:

Ability to Operate Safely

  • Understanding instructions
  • Checking and attention to detail
  • Understanding the safety environment

Safety Focused Personality

  • Safety motivation
  • Safety diligence
  • Adherence to rules
  • Openness to guidance
  • Safety confidence
  • Safety composure

Take a look at the sample reports for high and low risk test-takers below to see the readily interpreted graphical assessments that are helping New Zealand employers identify, manage and reduce risks in potential hazardous environments, then give us a call.

Sample Low Risk Employee H&SI Report

Sample High Risk Employee H&SI Report

Poppleton Allen Sales Aptitude Test (PASAT)

Available in New Zealand exclusively through People Central, PASAT is the most comprehensive sales personality test on the market.

PASAT measures the likelihood of a candidate to succeed in a sales or customer relationship role, as well as identifying where an employer needs to concentrate sales training and development to get that person from good to great.

Clients love the easily interpreted, traffic-light style reports which identify strengths and priority training needs, removing the need to send sales teams on cookie-cutter generic training courses and instead targeting tailored training where it is most needed.

In recruitment, PASAT enables employers to identify potential high flyers and accelerate job offers ahead of their competitors, reject low scorers who will never deliver no matter how much time, effort and dollars you throw at them and make the most of candidates with the potential to perform if targeted training and coaching is applied.

Take a look at the sample reports below for poor, mediocre and high performing sales staff, then give us a call to lift your recruitment effectiveness of sales staff.

PASAT – Sample Report – High Performer

PASAT – Sample Report – Middle Performer

PASAT – Sample Report – Poor Performer


Contact us today to see how personality assessments can help you choose the right candidate for the job and make the most of your existing teams.

Ready To Up Your Hiring Game?

The average cost of bad recruitment is 140% of the salary for the role*. That’s a $70,000 mistake on a $50,000 a year job.

Save time, money, stress and your reputation with our online personality tests.

*Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) Study