Here it is!

Your FREE Best Practice Recruitment & Selection Guide.



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First things first, we are People Central. We work across New Zealand to provide employers with the support needed to create successful workplaces.

We enable employers to recruit talented people, develop staff to reach their full potential and in turn enable teams to work together effectively.

By using our extensive range of online and supervised testing and psychometric assessment products you can save time, money, stress and your reputation and recruit better people!

Stage 1

Stage 1

Determine What Tools to Use

Use us to determine the testing and assessment tools that best suit your business. With the right tools, you can dramatically the risk of hiring the wrong person.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Determine How the Tools will be Deployed

Use our expertise to identify suitable methods for delivering the tests and assessments are determined.

As a guide, personality profiling can be completed online. Most IT and software skills tests can also be completed online. Ability Tests typically require supervision by a qualified practitioner, although online options do exist.

Stage 1

Stage 3

Test & Assess

Within 24 hours of you calling us, online tests can be ready for your candidates to complete. Within 24 hours of your candidate completing online tests, results and feedback are delivered to your hiring manager.

Supervised tests can be held at a location close to your candidate and scheduled to fit into your interview plan.

We have twenty years of experience in helping business owners and human resources staff make informed recruitment decisions. Our personal support and quick delivery ensure we add a tonne of value to your selection decision-making without slowing you down.

Get in touch - we're here to help!

Ready To Up Your Hiring Game?

The average cost of bad recruitment is 140% of the salary for the role*. That’s a $70,000 mistake on a $50,000 a year job.

Save time, money, stress and your reputation with our online testing processes.

*Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) Study