There is a mountain of books with similar titles and claims to this one, but this one comes recommended without hesitation by us as we worked with the authors in recruitment campaigns almost every week for five years in the UK, and have extensive first hand experience in their knowledge on this subject. The fact that they were approached by the publisher to write this book is testament to their expertise in recruitment and selection.
Despite the lifting clouds of recession over New Zealand, there are thousands of job seekers out there who haven’t being interviewed for years and dread this barrier between them and their next job. This book isn’t designed to help people bluff their way into a job (otherwise we wouldn’t be promoting it!), but is designed to ensure people present themselves effectively by demonstrating their skills, experiences and potential in a challenging environment.
You can order this book in New Zealand through Beattie & Forbes Booksellers on 70 Tennyson St in Napier (06 835 8968)
“Tough Interview Questions & How to Answer Them” – Mandy Soule & Rachel Adamson
You’ve made it to the interview stage and it’s your chance to shine. But how do you answer those awful questions you’ve been dreading? Help is on hand with “Tough Interview Questions and How to Answer Them”, the book to help you get that dream job. Now, more than ever, competition for jobs is fierce. This definitive guide will put you head and shoulders above your rivals. Packed with over 400 of the trickiest questions and expert advice on the perfect way to answer them, this guide is suitable for all job-hunters – from school leavers and graduates to carers returning to work and high-fliers climbing the career ladder. Find out how to explain gaps in your employment history, the best way to cope with an incompetent interviewer and how to avoid answering illegal questions, as well as discovering invaluable tips from leading blue chip companies on their interview bugbears and what makes the perfect candidate. This title features: over 400 of the trickiest questions; advice on what the interviewer wants to hear; winning ways to answer awful questions and examples of how not to; tips from leading blue chip companies; and, assessment centres and psychometric test.