The 5th July edition of New Zealand’s Dominion Post ran a major story on public sector staff in The Dept of Conservation and Ministry of Business & Innovation being required to complete personality questionnaires as part of a redundancy selection process. Whilst the article itself was somewhat flimsy journalism that got little further than identifying concerns over face validity of …
People Central win MSD Contract for 2013 Redundancy Support
We are delighted to announce that People Central Ltd have been awarded the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) contract to continue to provide subsidised support in 2013 to Hawke’s Bay people at risk of losing their jobs through redundancy. Our track record in 2012 of getting 80% of participants back into comparable jobs within two months of learning that their …
100% Subsidised Support for Redundancies in Hawke’s Bay
As most of our clients know, we run highly effective outplacement/redundancy support programs in the Hawke’s Bay region, with an 80% success rate of getting displaced staff into similar jobs within 2 months of them completing the program, which is an impressive track record in current economic conditions. Up until now, whilst almost every employer we talk to would like …
Securing the next step on your career ladder
Assuming 2011 is a year of gradual economic recovery, with a corresponding increase in job vacancies, what do you think is standing between you and your dream job? With so many careers treading water over the past couple years as job security grew in importance, the upturn is going to see considerable interest in jobs that represent genuine career progression, …
ROI for Businesses using Outplacement & Career Transition Services
Too often, the focus for using Outplacement and Career Transition Services is placed on the obvious benefits to employees affected by redundancy, restructure and reorganisation. However, the tangible benefits to the businesses that engage outplacement services need to be brought to the fore during turbulent economic times. In 2002 the US Centre for Organisational Research conducted a study of 1200+ …