Creating a Culture That Attracts (and Keeps) Top Performers

Many companies take the position that their culture is what it is — and expect workers to adapt to it. Unfortunately, that approach doesn’t engage employees, help them be productive or make them feel like they never want to leave. Instead, taking steps to build and continually evolve your organisational culture can help your business become a talent magnet. Organisational …

Don’t Give Up On the Golden Rule in the Workplace

Have you ever been annoyed at your team member for being too loud or rambunctious? Or impatient with your employee for not getting to the point quick enough? We all have different styles of communicating and preferred methods for getting our work done. As a Manager, having a good understanding of how personalities work, will benefit you in playing to …

Avoid lying with these clever answers to curly interview questions

If you’ve ever been asked in an interview what your current salary is, you may have felt uncomfortable answering. And that’s fair enough. Some questions are tough and we naturally want to avoid giving an answer if we think it won’t help our chances of getting the new job. In fact, SEEK recently conducted research around lying in interviews and …

50k in debt with student loans, a useless degree and no job prospects…

Every year, thousands of students complete their secondary school studies and are ready to embark on a path to obtaining their university degree.  It’s at this junction they typically try to answer the age-old question: “what am I going to do with my life?”,”what should I study?”  Back in the day when a student debt was a few hundred bucks, …

Poor Team Dynamics?

We all know that positive team dynamics are critical for organisational success. Without this, your business will struggle to fully leverage the potential of employees and tap into their skills and experience. At People Central, we define team dynamics as being the unconscious, psychological factors that influence the direction of a teams behaviour & performance. A team with positive group …

Should Your Pay Policy Be More Transparent?

Many candidates say they want employers to be more open about salaries. But does transparency help to drive equality, or does it mean greater challenges that can alienate staff? Talking about salary is rarely easy, and for some candidates, discussing remuneration is something they avoid altogether. SEEK research reveals 79% of candidates agree there should be more transparency around salaries …

The Most-Wanted Work Perks in New Zealand

When it comes to choosing whether to stay in a role or apply for a new one, 32% of New Zealanders agree that in addition to salary, employee benefits play a significant role. But what benefits are we actually looking for? Here are the top five most-wanted work perks of 2019 according to Kiwis. 1.HEALTH INSURANCE The most appealing work …

Want to Close the Pay Gap? Pay Transparency Will Help

Here’s what we know about salary transparency: Workers are more motivated when salaries are transparent. They work harder, they’re more productive, and they’re better at collaborating with colleagues. Across the board, pay transparency seems to be a good thing. Transparency isn’t just about business bottom line, however. Researchers say transparency is important because keeping salaries secret reinforces discrimination. “From a …

Office Etiquette For New Grads

If you’ve spent much time working with recent graduates – people who have just finished university without much work experience – you’ve probably witnessed your share of odd office behaviour. For instance, the new grad who shows up dressed in jandals, or takes all her calls on speakerphone without noticing the colleagues glaring in her direction. Of course, we’ve all …

How to Work with a Square Peg, Round Hole Employee

As Managers of people, most of us have had this type of experience. There’s an employee in your organisation whose temperament, work style, or skill level does not match what you want and/or need. It creates tension and unhappiness within the team and you probably lose sleep over it at night. Seek First to Understand The first step in addressing …